Class details

Babies and Toddlers (7mth - 2.5yrs)

Tuesday 10:30am - 11:10am

Venue details

Notting Hill - St John’s Church,
Landsdowne Crescent,
Notting Hill,
W11 2NN   view map

Venue Notes
You are in safe hands at Teddy’s Playhouse

We have a clear commitment to child protection and the safeguarding of our babies and toddlers is of the highest priority.

We require that our class managers along with our performers and musicians apply for Enhanced Clearance via the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service, formerly Criminal Records Bureau or CRB).

Every Teddy’s Playhouse class manager is in regular contact with a dedicated child protection team.

All necessary insurance, fire safety and first aid protocols are established within every Teddy’s Playhouse venue.

Keeping you and your child safe during the pandemic

Please do not send your baby or toddler to Teddy’s Playhouse if they are feeling unwell, a family member or someone in your household are displaying COVID-19 symptoms.


To minimise risk, attendees will stay in their allocated class ‘bubbles’ during their time at Teddy’s Playhouse, unfortunately we can’t allow class swapping at this time

All parents/carers are kindly asked to maintain social distancing when arriving at our venues.

Please observe guidance such as floor markers, etc.

Only 1 adult with child is permitted to enter the building (unless in an emergency).

Please arrive at the main door 5 mins before class time for a staggered start.

Registration will be taken on entering the class.

In Class

We will be observing class sizes in line with social distancing and as previously mentioned, we have a 1 adult, 1 child policy at this time.

Frequent hand washing or hand sanitisation will be undertaken by all upon entry, between disciplines, before and after break and toilet visits, and upon exit.

Hand sanitisers will be in each classroom and the main entrance (where applicable).

Signage regarding hand washing / sanitising will be displayed around the venue.

Please ensure your baby/ toddler only brings essential possessions to our class (such as drink or any medical needs, i.e. EpiPen), and to keep those possessions close to them wherever practical.

Where possible, please DO NOT use mobile phones in our classes.

We request that all adults remove shoes and change into a clean pair of socks.

Adults will be encouraged to cough or sneeze using the inside of their elbow to ‘catch it’ or a tissue which should be put into a bin bag (one per room) which the class manager will seal and dispose of after each class session.

You will be given during the class a set of instruments for your child to use, we ask that you kindly manage these during the class and ensure other toddlers do not pick these up. If they do, we ask that you santise these during the performance and on leaving, ensure these are left on your matts for steaming after your departure.

Social Distancing

We will be observing the latest social distancing guidance from the UK Government for all of our attendees and staff where appropriate.

Rooms will be of the required size and markings made to assist attendees in recognising the social distancing needed.

For babies and toddlers we will endeavour to deliver classes which encourage them to keep their distance where reasonably practical.

Our toilet policy has been modified to incorporate social distancing.


Attendees are to depart from the same door they entered the building. Please note that we may need to stagger departure times to ensure social distancing is maintained.

Venue availability

In the event of a Teddy’s Playhouse venue becoming unavailable, we will endeavour to source an alternative venue within the surrounding area, or move the day/time of our classes.

If for any reason, we are unable to deliver our classes in the Teddy’s Playhouse venue or we re-enter lock-down you will be given a refund.

There may be additional safety measures in place at your Teddy’s Playhouse venue, which your class manager will make you aware of.

Please note, as government guidance and policy change we will be updating safety measures accordingly.

Cancellation by client
If you are unable to attend a class, let us know at least 48 hours prior to a class. If we can find someone to fill your place we will ensure you are given a make-up class in the following term. Only 1 make-up class will be given per term at this time.

It's a new adventure every time! Inspired by Baby Einstein and Super Simple Learning, colourful, magical, live music and performance classes for babies and toddlers.

At Teddy's Playhouse, we never lose sight of the fact that every language is a musical pattern and where better to start than with music and song on your little one's early learning journey.

There is absolutely nothing else that compares to our classes, we are not just a music class, we are a playhouse! A soft themed stage enables learning through exploration, live music, song and movement. Our classes are supported by shrieks of excitement, lots of smiles and bouncing feet.

As mums ourselves we take early learning seriously and it's such a very short time that our little ones are babies and toddlers that we want to give them as much magic as possible.

Limited to 10 places, the price per class is set at 19.00.



This price covers the 1 sessions remaining in this term.

Tuesday 10:30am - 11:10am

1 sessions Tue 21 May 24

If your child hasn't been before and you would like to take them along to try the class we offer a trial - it costs £20.50 for .

Choose a date:

